Archive for Community
A Generous Surprise This Morning…
This past weekend when I was campus pastoring at the Yellow Box, my left shoe (in the pic at the right) fell apart just before it was time to start the services Saturday night. These shoes are my favorite shoes – the only brown sandals I have! I bought them at the Wal-Mart Supercenter in Tulsa […]
Take the 10-for-10 Worship Challenge!
If you joined us for our celebration services this weekend at Community, you likely heard about our 10-for-10 Worship Challenge. Hundreds of people at Community have committed to give 10 percent for 10 weeks as their worship to God as part of this challenge! And those who are already giving 10 percent are giving above […]
OMG! Don’t miss this weekend!
I can’t give away too much yet, but you are not going to want to miss this weekend’s service! Make sure you are at one of our Community locations this weekend for the second week in our series, “omg!” This week is none other than “Why Give?” I can assure you, it will change the […]
What’s your story?
Today I sent out an email to all those who attended our Generosity Conference at Community this past February… Let me also post it here so others of you can chime in with stories of life change and become aware of opportunities available to you as you continue in your journey of generosity…. Hello Generous […]
Reallocate: Who gets paid first?
I’ve been thinking about this subject a lot lately – the subect of reallocation. When a person really begins to ‘get’ generosity, then their whole life starts to look different. Their checkbook of course looks different, but so does their Outlook calendar and so does their thoughts and their language. Know what I mean? So […]
Why We Invest in the Jesus Mission
This weekend I was reminded once again what an incredible group of staff and leaders we have here at Community. This past weekend our NewThing team hosted what we call our ‘Hitchhikers’ Guide to Multi-Site.’ We had over 45 pastors and leaders from churches all across the country come to Community this weekend to observe and […]
Obstacles to Generosity…
Back in December, we did a series called Audible and we talked about a new vision we were hearing from God… a vision that requires generosity of our whole lives and selves – generosity of our time, our relationships, and our finances. (If you missed it, listen to the message here.) Within the context of the […]
Effects of the Shopping Fast…
Tomorrow, May 9, marks the halfway point of my 6-month shopping fast. It has been an extremely humbling experience, and I continue to learn a lot from it. Why do I do a shopping fast? Here’s why: * Discipline: It’s a good practice to be able to do without things for a period of time. […]
Share It. All Boats Rise.
I had the pleasure of connecting again with a good friend of mine and esteemed colleague at Exponential last week. I’ve gotta brag on him a little bit…. Brad Leeper is one of the senior fundraising strategists at Generis, one of the leading Christian fundraising consulting firms in the country. I was introduced to Brad […]
Chinese Food, Collaboration, and Church Planting
What do you get when you put those three things together? You get the picture to the left! This is our crowd at the Exponential Conference last week in Orlando. This year’s theme was, ‘The DNA of Reproducing Churches,’ so naturally our team had a lot to say – and a lot to learn from the […]