What’s your story?

Posted by: Julie on Tuesday, July 8th, 2008

dsc00157.JPGToday I sent out an email to all those who attended our Generosity Conference at Community this past February… Let me also post it here so others of you can chime in with stories of life change and become aware of opportunities available to you as you continue in your journey of generosity….

Hello Generous People of Community!

This goes out to everyone who was a part of the Generosity Conference this past February at Community.  How are you doing on your generosity journey?  We have already heard several stories of life change from many of you throughout the course of the past 4-5 months, but we would love to hear more from the rest of you if you have experienced life change as God is growing you in your generosity.  Please respond to this email and share with us your story of life change so we can celebrate with you and – if you’ll allow – share your story with others!

For many of you, maybe it’s time for a refresher, some accountability, or some further specific training in the areas of debt reduction and budgeting.  Or maybe you are in need of a 1-1 financial counselor.  Did you know Community is offering those very things right now?  The Naperville Yellow Box is offering a Good Sense course beginning THIS SUNDAY, July 13 9:30am-10:30am and running for four consecutive weeks.  Childcare is provided.  Seats are filling up fast, but we still have some more spots if you would like to attend.  Please email Tracy Butler at tlb1961@aol.com to reserve your spot for this course or to work 1-1 with one of our financial counselors here at Community.  If you aren’t a Yellow Box attender, stay tuned for upcoming courses at a campus near you.

Others of you may be asking what your next steps are in terms of generosity for this next year.  We’d like to talk with you specifically about how God might be calling you to become a generosity champion at Community…. There are some exciting days ahead at Community this upcoming ministry year, as we will celebrate our 20th anniversary!  Send me an email if you fall into this category, and we’d love to talk with you about this opportunity.

Blessings to all of you, and mark your calendars for Generosity Conference ’09 on February 7th!  You won’t want to miss this… many surprises ahead!

Yours on the journey,


3 Responses to “What’s your story?”

casey graham Says:
July 10th, 2008 at 5:33 am

This blog fires me up! Good job on promoting generosity!

Bookmarks about Courses Says:
August 27th, 2008 at 7:00 am

[…] – bookmarked by 2 members originally found by kossy711 on 2008-08-08 What’s your story? http://juliebullock.org/blog/?p=97 – bookmarked by 3 members originally found by ecobird on […]

Garcinia Cambogia Extract Says:
August 8th, 2013 at 5:02 pm

Many people keep getting louder, with women around the $1.


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