Archive for Community
Who and Why 2010
Yesterday I did one of the most fun things I get to do all year – write out my end of year giving checks. J Go ahead – call me a dork, lump me in with all of those crazies who get a rush out of paying bills or cleaning toilets, and I’ll be just […]
Helping People Find Their Way Back To God in Namyoya, Uganda
Today we went to Namyoya Christian Church, the church Community has supported through Celebration Generosity the past two years as a part of Community’s vision to eradicate poverty and help people find their way back to God one village at a time in Uganda, Africa. Boy, is it working!! Through the work of Global Family […]
Don’t give me none of that bad economy talk!
The economy is bad. That’s the obvious. Now quit saying it and thus claiming it as true. Rise above it. Defeat it. Generously give your way out of this bad economy and pour into a certain investment. This past weekend, Community did just that. Across all of Community’s nine locations, over $410,000 was given away to […]
God is Hitting the Accelerator at Community!
Ok so have you experienced this recently?….You’re in the car and someone (maybe it’s you!) hits the accelerator rather suddenly and you kinda feel this “umph!” as you jet forward and continue in a rapid motion down the highway toward your destination… My personal favorite is when you’re in a golf cart and you’re in […]
Circumstances vs. Choices
“We are not imprisoned by our circumstances; we are freed by our choices.” Jim Collins (pictured at the left, author of Good To Great, Built To Last, and pretty much one of the most brilliant guys ever) said this statement last week when we were at the Catalyst conference in Atlanta. It has stuck with […]
Certainty In Times of Uncertainty
Do me a favor. Take a look at this picture and let me know what you see. Can I tell you what I see? I see two teenage girls, Allie and Sarah, who just committed their lives to following Jesus through baptism last Wednesday night. Through the sacrament of baptism, they died to their old […]
On Ramps
We’ve been talking a lot lately as a staff about on-ramps — mainly in terms of new staff members and new leadership residents at the church. But it’s got me thinking a lot about on-ramps to generosity as well. With new staff members and new leadership residents, it’s important to have a process – or at least a conscious […]
Love The One You’re With
Last week I took a ‘working vacation’ to Oklahoma. Judge if you must, but when you love your job as much as I do, it’s difficult to to take a whole week away from your work. So I spent part of the week without my laptop and BlackBerry (yikes!), and then the rest of the […]
What Does Your Heart Break For?
We’ve been continuing in this great series at Community called The Leader Within. In this four-week series we’ve been talking about the Heart of a Leader, the Vision of a Leader, the Struggle of a Leader, and this weekend we’ll be talking about the Legacy of a Leader. Click on any one of these titles to view the message online. […]
Life After the Shopping Fast…
This past Saturday (2 days ago) marked the six month point since I announced my shopping fast back on February 9 and thus the “finish line” of this amazing journey. A friend of mine and I were at a small group barbeque Friday night, so we stayed out until the clock struck midnight and went […]